So parquet or porcelain stoneware is better ? There are many manufacturers of parquet-effect stoneware tiles and there are many types on the market that meet the most varied requests from customers. Some reproduce the grain very well, trying to bring out the charm and beauty of real parquet. However, on balance, fake parquet tiles are not the same thing as real wood planks hardwood floors in Painesville, OH.
Here are the differences between these two materials:
a wood-effect porcelain stoneware flooring is easy to clean. Stoneware can be easily washed with a brush, cloth, water and floor detergents. It does not need periodic maintenance which, on the other hand, parquet does with oils.
The porcelain is composed of a mixture of clays and sand and is therefore more resistant parquet. The latter, on the other hand, is much more delicate, being completely made of wood, and the continuous trampling can ruin it more easily.
stoneware does not change color over time . As you buy it, it stays over the years.
stoneware tiles can be placed both indoors and outdoors , thus giving continuity to the rooms
the floors and stoneware tiles are used without problems in the bathrooms and kitchen (wet rooms). While with the parquet it is necessary to take precautions and choose the most suitable version for these rooms in close contact with water and humidity.
parquet tends to be more expensive, porcelain stoneware is less expensive.
Faux wood tiles: why choose porcelain stoneware
So after reading these points why should you choose or prefer stoneware over parquet? Because
it is resistant to abrasion, it is a durable material, walking on it does not cause any damage, it does not scratch, it is waterproof and antibacterial, remains unalterable over time.
Therefore the advantages of stoneware compared to parquet are mainly related to the resistance of the material , to the ease of cleaning , it can be used both inside and outside homes (a very important factor is always maintaining continuity between the rooms), it offers a ” wide variety of formats and surface finishes.
While the disadvantages of stoneware are: definitely the perception of a cold material and little thermal insulation.