What to Expect During an MRI Scan

An MRI scan is a medical test that can diagnose and treat a variety of diseases and health problems. The result of an MRI exam is generally positive, which means the exam detected and confirmed the presence of disease in the brain or any other body organ. However, there may be some variation in results between hospitals and doctors who offer different types of MRIs.

sedation MRI in New Jersey is the most common type of MRI scan. In this type of scan, patients receive a mild sedative and an injection. This allows the patient to relax and recover from the sedation quickly.

Patients with a medical condition that requires them to stay still for long periods may require general anesthesia for an MRI scan. In this case, patients will receive general anesthesia before being placed in the scanner. While being scanned, they will be given a muscle relaxant and a breathing tube to help them remain still while they are scanned.

CT urogram in New Jersey

In some cases, patients may need to stay overnight in the hospital after undergoing an MRI scan to be monitored for any complications resulting from their procedure or condition. Patients who have other health concerns during their MRI exam should discuss these issues with their physician before the scheduled procedure.

After being scanned, some patients experience nausea or dizziness. These symptoms usually subside after a few hours. Patients may also experience headaches, muscle pain, and stiffness in the neck or back due to an MRI scan. If these symptoms do not subside within two days of the procedure, patients should contact their physician.

Additionally, patients who experience claustrophobia may find that an MRI scanner makes them feel uncomfortable. If this is the case, patients can receive a CT scan instead of an MRI scan. This scan is a type of x-ray that uses a different kind of radiation than the MRI scanner.

MRI scans are generally safe and effective medical procedures. However, there are some risks associated with the process, including:

In addition to the above, patients who have an abnormal heart rhythm or blood clotting disorder should not have an MRI scan for these conditions.